No More White Bits is a new self tanning brand from Anatomicals which launches into Asda this month and aims to provide tans for 'active lifestyles' that are quick to apply and easy to maintain. With all its products, which include mousse, cream and gel, priced at £4 or less, the brand has hands down beat other affordable tans for price alone before you've even opened the bottle.
While I'm not the biggest fan of the blue and white packaging it does stand out, and I haven't tried any other tanning products that openly market themselves towards men as well as women. Honestly on first use of the Instant Self Tan Mousse in Dark* the instructions did baffle me a little- it states that it's an instant tanning mousse (which to me means wash-off and non developing) but that it does develop, although it doesn't say how long to leave it on for. The mousse applies very dark and turns into an easily spreadable liquid on the skin with that slightly greenish tinge that we've now come to expect from self tans. It has a strong lotus flower scent that isn't for sensitive noses and I have to make sure I've oiled my knees and elbows well as it tends to grab these areas if theyre dry. I'm so over waiting around for tans to sink in or getting dressed and sticking to my clothes, so I'm really pleased that this formula dries quickly and feels smooth on the skin. On first go I took a guess at the developing time be around 4-6 hours and I think I was right, even though washing off the guide colour leaves me a bit pasty in comparison, the tan gradually gets darker over the next day or two so I actually end up darker than expected (no complaints there as I'm a natural ghost!).
The colour is a nice natural deep brown and the wear time is about 5 days for me before I start to look like I've got a farmer's tan. Thankfully it doesn't leave me scaly or patchy like a lot of dark tans can. I'm really impressed with No More White Bits as it's definitely the best budget tan I've tried, and I'll definitely be picking up the cream formula when I next do my shopping!
Body contouring definitely isn't something I'd do every time I wear self tan (which is often) but it's great for a special ocassion or if you just need a little body confidence boost. I first came up with the idea when for some reason my chest was a looking a little less than full, and from there it spread through trial and error to the rest of my body. The principle is really the same as contouring the face- to define, create shape and give the illusion of a slimmer form. The effect is subtle once the tan's guide colour is washed off but it definitely makes a difference and once you try it, you'll see for yourself.
This works equally well with mousses or creams and a mitt (which is essential for ensuring everything is buffed out), and can be achieved either by applying one layer of tan, washing off and darkening specific areas with another layer, or by waiting for the first layer to dry and then applying on top straight away, which is much quicker and easier.
As with bronzing the cheeks, the idea is to blend the second layer of tan into the first to ensure there are no harsh lines or obvious streaks. The highlights really aren't as important as the shadows but they do give more contrast, and can be created by simpling buffing away at the first layer of tan with a dry mitt or sponge. My drawing skills haven't really done the poor lady in the image above any justice, so I've run through each area below and the ideas can be modified for other body shapes.
THE BOOBS- I was given the bittersweet blessing of small boobs (can't fill out a top properly, but also don't get back ache), so this is the area I focus on. I can't speak for other shapes but deepened shadows underneath and to the sides really make them look fuller and more shapely against my (boney) chest. A highlight just above the shadow will create the contrast which gives the illusion that the nips are sitting further out from the body.
THE WAIST- As with a bodycon dress that gives the look of a smaller waist by making the edges of the body almost disappear, a darker shadow will draw the eye to the smaller lighter area at the centre of the body (the same idea can be applied to the dreaded 'bingo wings' at the underneath of the arms).
THE STOMACH- A layer of tan will darken all shadows, whether wanted or not, and a shadow below the stomach that shouts 'look at me, I'm a muffin top!' is something no one wants. This can be evened out by blending a darker line along the most projecting part of the stomach, and buffing away the tan underneath where the darkest shadow lies to almost reverse the effect.
THE HIPS- I really like the look of wide hips so if anything I would highlight them, but there is the matter of stretchmarks which I don't really want to show off. My tiger stripes have faded to a point where I don't dislike them as much as I used to, but a good layer of tan helps hide the 'shine' and mackerel effect that they can give to the skin.
Thigh gaps are so last year, but for those of us in the touching thigh crew a little slimming illusion with a second layer of tan doesn't go amiss! This also helps prevent the tell-tale faded tan patches from hair removal.
THE LEGS- A dark self tan buffed under the bum can make it look perkier but, as I talked about in my Vita Liberata Skinfinish post, a highlight down the centre of the legs can do wonders not only for slimming but for adding a little glamour that makes you look put together for an evening out. If the thought of rubbing off your lovely deep tan doesn't appeal, a liquid highlighter or even a sweep of highlighting powder can work wonders for the pins!
What do you think of body contouring, is it something you've tried, or might try in the future?